Message from the Vice President (HHH V2 I4)

As my first, and last, message as VP, I wish to provide you all with an update on the board member positions for FreeThought. As a result of my move to Muncie and my incredibly busy schedule this past year (with going through cancer treatments and recovery while teaching two classes full-time at Ball State and teaching two classes part-time at Ivy Tech), I have been relegated to a reduced role within FTFW to "Technology Director." Unfortunately, this role will not last long, as I will be moving to North Carolina in the next couple of months (as my wife got a great job opportunity that pays a lot better). I will continue to offer my input and support as long as I can and will always think positively of my time here with all of you great people!

But, let's get away from talking about myself to discuss the other changes in board member roles at FTFW. Chris Woods has opted to take the position of President Pro Tem while remaining as Secretary. Jack Humbert has accepted my old position as Vice President. Duane Thompson has accepted the role as Communications Director. Karen Mizner will act as Treasurer, with V. being the Assistant Treasurer. Victoria Gipson will become the Humanist Director. We are incredibly thankful for our new board members stepping up to the plate and for the incredible contributions made by past board members to get this organization to where it needs to be. We are always looking to improve how we can best serve you and the community. As a result of your feedback, this is the first newsletter to feature a Table of Contents to help you better navigate to the relevant section of your choosing. Enjoy!

Chris Rex, Former Vice President of FTFW

This "Message from the Vice President" was included in Volume 2, Issue 4 of the Hoosier Humanist Herald, which was published on 5/11/19 by FTFW. 

If you would like to view the entirety of that newsletter, you can view the online version here or the pdf here.