FTFW videos
Below are videos from FTFW-sponsored events, namely lectures and debates.
April 19, 2018: A debate between Dr. Jim Spiegel and John Loftus on whether religious faith is reasonable at the Allen County Public Library (main branch) in Fort Wayne, IN.
January 3, 2018: Robert Brandt (president of FTFW) and Christopher J. Rex (vice-president of FTFW) give a free lecture on "Humanism: A Progressive Philosophy of Life" at the downtown (main branch) Allen County Public Library (ACPL) in Room C at 6:30 pm.
June 29, 2017: A lecture by Christopher Rex, "DNA and Me: How genetic testing proves Evolution," that took place at the Allen County Public Library (main branch), Meeting Room C, at 6:30 pm.
May 25, 2017: Sherry Skufca, editor of the Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN), lectures on "Real journalism in the age of 'fake news, lying media, and alternative facts'" at the main branch of the Allen County Public Library at 6:30 pm in meeting room C.
April 7, 2016: To celebrate Earth Day we are getting started early with a discussion on the ecological importance of shallow, often temporary wetlands, particularly as they pertain to reptiles and amphibian conservation. Join us with speaker, Dr. Bruce Kingsburry professor and director of the IPFW Environmental Resources Center.
February 25, 2016: Free Thought Fort Wayne Hosts: Darwin's Day, A Day to Pass On Your Genes. With Guest Speaker Lawrence Kuznar Discussing the evolution of sex.
November 17, 2015: FTFW hosts Dr. Lawrence Kuznar to present on human evolution and the significance of the recent discovery of Homo naledi, followed by a Q&A.
April 27, 2015: During a social gathering held at Fortezza Coffee, a couple of members came together to shoot a video for Openly Secular Day, which promotes awareness and elimination of discrimination by getting secular people to be open about their beliefs.