Message from the President (HHH V2 I1) — FreeThought Fort Wayne, Inc.

Message from the President (HHH V2 I1)

Happy New Year!  Traditionally, people tend to use January 1st as a good time to review the past year and look forward to the New Year.  Some even try to make resolutions to try to do better.  We had some fun events in 2018: Pi Day with a movie; the picnic with big bubbles; Festivus with lots of food and "white elephant" gifts.  We also held some serious events, like the ACLU presentation, Single Payer Health Care, Pride Fest, and science presentations with Dr. Maloney from PFW.  We had several ongoing activities, such as the “Hoosier Humanist Hour” podcast, "We Are Atheists" TV show, and “Meeting of the Minds” discussion group.

In the coming year, I'm sure we'll continue most of our social traditions, but we also want to try to grow our group.  One way to do that is to follow the advice of Jim Helton, who spoke to us on December 17th.  He has successfully established a group in Kentucky by partnering with various activist groups and supporting their projects.  By doing so, he has shown that atheists are decent people who desire to improve society.  He calls it, "normalizing," atheism.  As a result, his group is thriving and he has been named the National Field Organizer for American Atheists.  He has been kind enough to extend an invitation to assist us as a group, if needed.


The New Year is also an appropriate time to thank everyone who has supported our activities during the past year.  There will soon be some new FTFW Board members who will need your help to make our group even stronger.  Please make your support a priority in 2019.  Thank you and enjoy the New Year!

Robert Brandt, Former President of FTFW

This "Message from the President" was included in Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Hoosier Humanist Herald, which was published on 1/5/19 by FTFW. 

If you would like to view the entirety of that newsletter, you can view the online version here or the pdf here.