Message from the President (HHH V1 I4)

This will be my last President's letter.  I'm pushing 80 years, so I've decided to make room on the Board for more energetic and talented folks. I would like to welcome Victoria Gipson back to the Board.  I wish her great success in whatever capacity she will serve.  Also, my thanks to Chris Rex for signing on for another term.  He has contributed greatly to our accomplishments over the past year.
It has been an honor to serve our group and the mission of Secular Humanism.  I won't be going away.  I will continue to help with the mundane tasks of assisting with events, baking for Pi day, making pulled chicken for the picnic, making giant bubbles, and freezing in the wind and rain at Graveyard of the Gods.  Well, maybe not that last one.  I hope that by relieving the Board members of those tasks that they will have more time for developing strategy and plan for growing our group and spreading our message.
My thanks to all for your support and kindness.

Robert A. Brandt, President of FTFW

This "Message from the President" was included in Volume 1, Issue 4 of the Hoosier Humanist Herald, which was published on 4/4/18 by FTFW. 

If you would like to view the entirety of that newsletter, you can view the online version here or the pdf here.