Message from the President (HH V1 I2)

2017 was a memorable year in many respects for FreeThought Fort Wayne.  We updated our by-laws, incorporated, refurbished our web site and started a newsletter.  I believe our organizational structure is secure.

Nominations for two open Board positions begin January 22nd and end February 26th. I hope many of you will be willing to serve either on the Board or as Trustee.  Voting will be held on March 18th at our regular Sunday meet up at Old Crown. To be qualified to vote you must be a paid-up member.  If you wish to support our group financially, see Karen Mizner at Old Crown at our Sunday meet up or go to our web site and use the "Donate" button.

We also need some help with our events.  As Steve Zimmerman says, people who are willing to "chop wood and carry water."  We can use help in staging events, such as acting as a greeter, setting up a display table, providing snacks and advertising.

We have a tentative schedule of events for 2018 so I hope this will be a year during which our past efforts will bear fruits.

Robert A. Brandt, President of FTFW

This "Message from the President" was included in Volume 1, Issue 2 of the Hoosier Herald, which was published on 2/3/18 by FTFW. 

If you would like to view the entirety of that newsletter, you can view the online version here or the pdf here.